TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)

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Two Brothers,
both in 2nd Bn WILTSHIRE REGt

Both with 1914-15 Star Trios.
Both Killed In Action within a month of each other on The Western Front.

Both arrived in France on 11th December 1914 and took part with 
the 2nd Wiltshires in TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow) 



TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)    12484. Pte. Edmund Newton Annetts. "A" Coy, 2nd Wilts Regt.
TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)  K.I.A. 15th April 1915
Age 22
(The elder brother) Edmund was killed by a Trench Mortar at Picantin where the German line was just 100 yards from the British line.  

   TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow) (Rue-Du-Bois Military Cemetery. Fluerbaix, France. Plot 2 Row. D Grave 23.
Fr 348.




TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)    TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow) .....and his brother.




10390. Pte. Chistopher Annetts. "C" Coy. 2nd Wilts Regt.
K.I.A. 18th May 1915. Age 21. 
At or near Festubert by shellfire.  

(spelt ANNETS on CWG site & the memorial)
TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)   Le Touret Memorial, France. Panel 33 & 34.

Both the Sons of Mr Henry James Annetts and Mrs Maria Annetts of Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire. Copy birth certificates are included for both brothers along with several modern colour photographs of the grave and memorial.

Also included is a Four Page resume and regimental history concerning the activity of the 2nd Wiltshires during the period of loss of these two lads.   
The grief felt by the parents must have been sharpened by the fact that The Battle of Festubert was a failure and only about a 'mile of mud' was gained.


All Medals are Mint State


TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)

TWO BROTHERS. Both 1915 Trios, (BOTH KILLED IN ACTION) 2nd WILTSHIRE Regt. (From Winterslow)

Two Brothers, both with 1914-15 Star Trios. Both Killed In Action within a month of each other on The Western Front. To: 12484.Pte. Edmund Newton ANNETTS 2nd Wilts Regt. KIA 15th April 1915. Age 22. (Rue-Du-Bois Military Cemetery. Fluerbaix, France. Plot 2 RowD Grave 23. Fr 348. .....and 10390 Pte. Chistopher Annetts 2nd Wilts Regt (spelt ANNETS on CWG site & monument) Le Touret Memorial, France. Panel 33 & 34. Both the Sons of Mr Henry James Annetts and Mrs Maria Annets of Winterslow, Salisbury, Wiltshire.