DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded.

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1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Star.(France & Germany bar),
Defence Medal, War Medal.
Air Efficiency Award (QEII)
(As, Flt/Lt R.W.J. ALLEN.)

DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded.To:
1459728. Flt Sgt ( Pilot officer -Flt lt ) Roland William John ALLEN.
 DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded. DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded. 98 Squadron.

"Flt Sgt Allen has taken part in a large number of sorties, many of them against heavily defended targets. He has proved himself to be a keen, resolute and devoted crew member and his example has been most commendable".


Flt Sgt Allen joined the RAF in 1941 as an Air Gunner and while flying in American B-25 Mitchell bombers he took part in many raids into German occupied Europe both before and after D-Day. The squadron was particularly active in the immediate pre-invasion period in the Caen area.   

DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded. He and his fellow crew members also bombed the V-1 flying bomb sites in Northern France on several occasions. 

DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded. FOR COURAGE  
"AN EXCELLENT AND UNUSUAL GROUP & COMBINATION WITH MUCH SCOPE FOR FURTHER RESEARCH, Comes with original photos, badges and documents as shown " 


DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded.

DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL, Aircrew Europe & Air Efficiency Medal (QEII) 98 Sqd B-25 Mitchells. On one occasion this officer apparently flew the aircraft back to base after the pilot was wounded.

A FINE "BOMBER COMMAND" DISTINGUISHED FLYING MEDAL 1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Star.(France & Germany), Defence and War Medals, To: 1459728. Flt Sgt ( Pilot officer -Flt lt ) Roland William John ALLEN. R.A.F.(V.R.) 98 Squadron with Air Efficiency Award (QEII) as Flt Lt R.W.J. ALLEN.