A World War II, Malaya GSM & LSGC Group of Eight. RAF

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A  World War II, AIRCREW GROUP of Eight,
A World War II, Malaya GSM & LSGC Group of Eight. RAF   A World War II, Malaya GSM & LSGC Group of Eight. RAF  1939-45, Africa, (N Africa 1942-43) Italy, France & Germany, Stars, Defence & War Medals.
G.S.M. (Malaya) (QEII)
R.A.F.  L.S.G.C. (QEII) 

( With dress miniatures)
570231. F.SGT. J.POOLE. RAF.
This airman was a pre-war volunteer who joined around 1937-1938.
The group has a "Pathfinder" emblem pinned to the ribbon of the France & Germany Star which bodes well for further research. Many of these pre-war men had incredible careers and were often part of the A.A.S.F. which went to France in  the old Fairey Battles on 2nd September 1939 the day before war was declared. 

A very interesting research project.

Swing mounted as worn

About EF.


A World War II, Malaya GSM & LSGC Group of Eight. RAF

A World War II, Malaya GSM & LSGC Group of Eight. RAF

A World War II, 1939-45, Africa, (N Africa 1942-43) Italy, France & Germany, Stars, Defence & War Medals Malaya GSM (QEII) & LSGC (QEII) Group of Eight to: 570231. F.SGT. J.POOLE. RAF. This airman was a pre-war volunteer who joined around 1937-1938. The group has a "Pathfinder" emblem pinned to the ribbon of the France & Germany Star which bodes well for further research. Many of these pre-war men had incredible careers and were often part of the A.A.S.F. which went to France in the old Fairey Battles on 2nd September 1939 the day before war was declared. A very interesting research project.