A Highly Unusual Crimean War Naval Trio.
Baltic Medal
Turkish Crimea Medal ( British Issue)
Crimea Medal With Superb Early Fish-Tale Engraved Naming.
Despite some basic research we have not yet located this sailor on the rolls. This isn’t actually that unusual with the Naval Crimea medals.
However, this is clearly a real man (probably ROBERT Mc NEIL) who obviously served on a real ship and with more work perhaps on the individual ships’ muster books it’s pretty certain he will eventually be found as he’s obviously gone to some trouble and expense to employ a greatly talented engraver to name up his Crimea Medal in really outstanding style.
Really nice AZOFF clasped medals like this are very scarce & very desirable indeed and seldom surface named, as like many Crimea medals to Naval recipients they were invariably issued unnamed with very few men going to the extra trouble and expense of having their medals named so well.
In fact, thinking about it, we can’t remember when we last saw a named AZOFF clasped Crimea medal ! ….Can you ?
All three medals are GVF - EF with excellent original surfaces and colour. All on nice old original ribbons.
A really good AZOFF Naval Crimea trio.