A SINGLE 1914 STAR & ORIGINAL CLASP, To: 1717 Pte A. HAGE. 16th LANCERS. (Arrived in France, 17th August 1914)
A SINGLE 1914 STAR & ORIGINAL CLASP, To: 1717 Pte A. HAGE. 16th LANCERS. (Arrived in France, 17th August 1914)

1914-15 STAR "CASUALTY" To: 1780. Pte.D.LANE. 7th BN AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. Died of Wounds 11th April 1918.
Originally from Ireland. Joined at BROADMEADOWS, VICTORIA. January 1915.
1914-15 STAR "CASUALTY" To: 1780. Pte.D.LANE. 7th BN AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE. Died of Wounds 11th April 1918. Originally from Ireland. Joined at BROADMEADOWS, VICTORIA. January 1915. An interesting man. Served In Gallipoli ( Lone Pine, ANZAC ) Died of Wounds, Gunshot to Lung. No. 4 CCS. Buried NAMPS-AU-VAL BRITISH CEMETERY.

1914-15 STAR "CASUALTY" To: 3/6664. Pte. A.W. HOWE. 4thBn RIFLE BRIGADE. (PRISONER OF WAR IN BULGARIA) Died 9th September 1918. Buried PLOVDIV CEMETERY. (Sofia / Istanbul)
1914-15 STAR "CASUALTY" To: 3/6664. Pte. A.W. HOWE. 4thBn RIFLE BRIGADE. (PRISONER OF WAR IN BULGARIA) Died 9th September 1918. Buried PLOVDIV CEMETERY. (Sofia / Istanbul). An interesting casualty worthy of much further research.

1914 Star & Bar (single) To: 7164. Pte A. COOK. Grenadier Guards.
VERY early entrant on 12th August 1914.
(The war was only declared on 4th August)
1914 Star & Bar (single) To: 7164. Pte A. COOK. Grenadier Guards. VERY early entrant on 12th August 1914. (The war was only declared on 4th August) Worthy of further research...medal never worn so perhaps wounded and discharged.

1914 Star. L/Cpl 16th (The Queen´s) Lancers & Military Police Corps (K.I.A.)
£245 (SOLD)
1914 Star. L/Cpl 16th (The Queen's) Lancers & Military Police Corps, attd, Military Mounted Police. (K.I.A. 23rd April 1916) To: 3026. L/Cpl E.W. CLOVER 16/LRS.

1914-15 Star (single) To: 15736. L/Cpl A.A. WOOD. 6th Bn D.C.L.I (K.I.A.) Delville Wood.
1914-15 Star (single) To: 15736. L/Cpl A.A. WOOD. 6th Bn Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry (Killed In Action) Delville Wood. Friday 18th August 1916.

1914 Star (Single)
1914 Star (Single) To: 14208. Sapper A. IZZARD . Royal Engineers.

1914 Star & Bar (Single) 1/Notts & Derby.R
1914 Star & Bar (Single) 1/Notts & Derby.R To:11115. L. Cpl. P ROBERTS. 1/NOTTS & DERBY: R

1914 Star and Bar (Single) Notts & Derby R: (K.I.A.) Boxing Day 1914
£(SOLD) ´Going Home To The Family´
1914 Star and Bar (Single) Notts & Derby Regt. To: 10354. Pte. G. H. KETTLEBOROUGH. 1st Bn., Sherwood Foresters ( Notts and Derby Regt) KIlled in Action on 26th December Boxing Day 1914 during The famous Christmas "Truce"
1914 Star and Bar (Single) Notts & Derby R:
1914 Star and Bar (Single) To: 11978. Pte J. RAWSON. 2/ NOTTS & DERBY:R (Guilded)