A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic
“Light Brigade Charger” group of four.
Crimea Medal
(Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol)
Indian Mutiny Medal
(Central India)
LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue)


“Took Part in The Charge of The Light Brigade at Balaklava on 25th October 1854”

This is a Classic Light Brigade Charger’s Group of four.
Seldom does one see such a fine and historically important group.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 [THE MEDALS)
(Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann, Sebastopol)
-Superbly Privately Engraved in Seriffed Block Capitals-

(Central India)
-Officially Impressed-

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 LONG SERVICE GOOD CONDUCT MEDAL
-Officially Impressed-

-Privately Impressed in neat Seriffed Capitals-

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 [JOHN DYER] (Biography)
21st November 1817- December 1868 (51)
John Dyer was a Wiltshire born man from Westbury near Trowbridge. Prior to his enlistment in 1833 at Gloucester he had been working as a trainee Blacksmith. Being aged only 16 upon joining the army he is recorded on his papers as “underage”. The first two years of his service were thus not counted towards his total years with the colours. He served with distinction in both The Crimean War & The Indian Mutiny.

From the time of his final discharge at age 45 in 1862 after 29 years “actual” service, he lived in the village of Holt near Trowbridge where he died aged 51 in early December 1868. His wife was Matilda Dyer.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 [LIGHT BRIGADE CHARGER CRITERIA]
John Dyer was one of 47 “missing men” whose participation in The Charge of The Light Brigade is now correctly confirmed. Many “missing men” who did indeed take part in The Charge had been previously overlooked and omitted from early reference works due to the lack of early research capability & resources, and even more were omitted through incorrect & over-restrictive criteria.

These gallant men have now been correctly recognised, identified & fully confirmed as chargers after many years of wrongful omission. From about 1999, access to newly available & previously unseen records via the internet have combined with open, non-restrictive and correctly applied criteria to correct these omissions.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 The intensive research carried out by E.J Boys and A. Sewell, led to their names being published and their true service updated in the much revised 2007 book, “Forgotten Heroes, The Charge of The Light Brigade” by Roy Dutton” (Page 97.) See further details below:

As with very many of the now fully confirmed chargers, John Dyer was not originally listed as a charger in the very early book, “Honour The Light Brigade” by Lummis & Wynn.
This once revered early book appeared 51 years ago in 1973 and although once thought of as “The Charger Bible”, it was later found to contain many now corrected errors and omissions, with at least 47 chargers being missed out.
It was in fact a greatly flawed publication which had been based on greatly lacking early research coupled with some quite ridiculous early qualification criteria & incorrect assumptions.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 For instance, the original inclusion of a Charger’s name was quite oddly & incorrectly based on:

(A) A man’s membership of the Balaklava Commemoration Society of 1879 ….of which very many Chargers were never members.

(B) Participant confirmation was further based on the later attendance of Charge survivors who appeared at the annual association dinners & banquets in London between 1890 & 1913, ….which many men, particularly those who died early or were from distant parts of the country did not attend.

(C) Thus, any man not known to the 1879 Committee or who had *died prior to 1879* was excluded. John Dyer, who lived 150 miles from London and died eleven years earlier in 1868 was just one of those perfectly valid chargers whose names were omitted.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 Thus, approximately 47 chargers were totally ignored by Lummis & Wynn and as such their early listings were highly inaccurate and were at best a poor early guess based on very crude, greatly unreliable and ridiculously restrictive criteria which wrongly excluded many men like John Dyer who actually charged on 25th October 1854.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

John Dyer’s participation in The Charge is without question and has been fully confirmed by much research only made possible in modern times due to the availability & access to many previously unseen archival records via the internet since the early 2000’s. *An Additional Note* He no doubt charged alongside 1079, Pte James Dwan who was one of the junior Farrier Privates under his supervision.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 The following interesting and service confirming obituaries also appeared in John Dyer’s local newspapers at the time of his death.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 [THE TROWBRIDGE & NORTH WILTSHIRE ADVERTISER]
Saturday, December 12th 1868.
Death of a Hero, Our obituary today announces the death of one of the few that came safely out of the never to be forgotten charge of Balaklava, vis, Sergeant John Dyer of the 8th Hussars. He was through the whole of the Crimean campaign and in actual engagement with the enemy at Alma, Balaklava, Inkermann and Sebastopol (for which he received a Crimean medal and clasps) the whole of which he escaped without a scratch. On his arrival home the Indian Mutiny broke out and although he could have claimed his discharge, he was one of the first to volunteer his services, which were immediately accepted. Landing in Bombay, December 18th 1857, he went through the whole of the Mutiny and engaged actively with the rebels in eight separate engagements. He re-landed in England on November 13th 1862, and immediately received his discharge with a good pension. Since that time he has been living at Holt, Trowbridge, and by his great kindness, affability, and gentlemanly conduct, he gained the confidence and the esteem of the whole of the neighbourhood.”

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 [BATH CHRONICLE]
Thursday, December,17th 1868
HOLT - Death of a Veteran-
There has recently died in this village, Sergeant John Dyer, late of the 8th Hussars. The deceased went through the battles of Alma, Balaklava, and Inkerman, and was at the siege of Sebastopol. He was also in the memorable death charge at Balaklava, the whole of which he passed through without a scratch. On the conclusion of the Russian war, and the return of the regiment to England, he volunteered for the Indian mutiny, which he survived, and returned to his native village in 1862, where he resided till his death.

Glendining’s 2nd March, 1989. Lot 552, £2,100
DNW. 12th May, 1993. Lot 326. (unsold) est £2500-£3000

[ Note]
*Both these auctions took place 35 and 31 years ago, and were both 18 & 14 years before confirmation by E.J Boys and A. Sewell*

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 [SUMMARY]
If you have always wanted to own a really excellent Light Brigade Charger group, this is truly a “must have” and greatly desirable item to add to your collection.
Most Charger arrivals only ever appear as a ‘single’ Crimea medal, and after 170 years many of those have condition problems, so to see such a magnificent, intact and correctly named “four clasp”, four piece medal group is a greatly unusual situation.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 One or two very minor edge bruises and contact marks.
Overall Good VF/EF with an excellent and original time developed patina. With service papers.

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854 A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

An exceptionally rare & good looking group.

PRICE ON REQUEST (By Telephone Only)
“With quality part-exchanges welcome”.
Call us today: 01342-870960 or 07837-621144

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854
£PRICE ON REQUEST (By Telephone Only)

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

There are 1917 items that match your search terms ''

Showing page 1 of 192 (1917 items)

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A Rare & Desirable “CHARGE of ALIWAL” Sutlej Medal. SOBRAON Clasp & ALIWAL Reverse. To: WILLIAM PARRY 16th LANCERS.

A Rare & Desirable “CHARGE of ALIWAL” Sutlej Medal. SOBRAON Clasp & ALIWAL Reverse. To: WILLIAM PARRY 16th LANCERS.

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A Scarce & Desirable PUNJAB MEDAL 1849. (GOOJERAT)-(MOOLTAN) To. SEPOY BUGLER, PATTUCK. 3rd Native Infantry.

A Scarce & Desirable PUNJAB MEDAL 1849. (GOOJERAT)-(MOOLTAN) To. SEPOY BUGLER, PATTUCK. 3rd Native Infantry.

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A Very Desirable & High Grade PUNJAB MEDAL 1849. (GOOJERAT)-(CHILIANWALA). To. B. GOODCHILD. 24th Foot Regt. With confirming medal roll.

A Very Desirable & High Grade PUNJAB MEDAL 1849. (GOOJERAT)-(CHILIANWALA). To. B. GOODCHILD. 24th Foot Regt. With confirming medal roll.

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A Very Desirable PUNJAB MEDAL 1849. (GOOJERAT)-(CHILIANWALA) To. Sgt. F. BRITTAIN. 24th Foot Regt. Who Died of Disease, 26th August 1850. With confirming medal roll.

A Very Desirable PUNJAB MEDAL 1849. (GOOJERAT)-(CHILIANWALA) To. Sgt. F. BRITTAIN. 24th Foot Regt. Who Died of Disease, 26th August 1850. With confirming medal roll.

New Product
A Fine High Ranking Officer’s INDIAN MUTINY & AFGHANISTAN Pair. To: LIEUT - Lt COL. (Later Major General) CHARLES HENRY CLAY. 21st & 30th Bombay Native Infantry, late Bombay Staff Corps.

A Fine High Ranking Officer’s INDIAN MUTINY & AFGHANISTAN Pair. To: LIEUT - Lt COL. (Later Major General) CHARLES HENRY CLAY. 21st & 30th Bombay Native Infantry, late Bombay Staff Corps.

New Product
A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854
£PRICE ON REQUEST (By Telephone Only)

A Classic “Light Brigade Charger” group of four. Crimea Medal (Four Clasps) Indian Mutiny Medal (Central India) LSGC, & Turkish Crimea (British Issue) Sgt & Farrier Major, John Dyer, 8th Hussars. Charged, 25th October 1854

New Product
An Ultra Rare Victorian Trio. I.G.S. (PERSIA) & Indian Mutiny (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW)-(LUCKNOW) L.S.G.C. Q.M.Sgt. G. ILIFFE, 78th HIGHrs (2nd Seaforths) Wounded 23rd Sept 1857,At The Battle of Alambagh (LUCKNOW).

An Exceptionally Rare Victorian Combination.INDIAN GENERAL SERVICE, (PERSIA) & INDIAN MUTINY MEDALS, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW)-(LUCKNOW) with L.S.G.C. To: Q.M.Sgt. GEORGE ILIFFE, 78th HIGHLANDERS (2nd Bn Seaforth Highlanders) Wounded on 23rd September 1857, Battle of Alambagh (LUCKNOW).

New Product
An Excessively Rare, INDIAN MUTINY MEDAL, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW), “ORIGINAL DEFENDER”- (Battle of Chinhut Casualty) Killed in Action 30th June 1857) & PUNJAB MEDAL, (MOOLTAN), To: JOHN STEEPLES, 32nd Foot.
£PRICE ON REQUEST (By Telephone)

An Excessively Rare, INDIAN MUTINY MEDAL, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW), “AN ORIGINAL DEFENDER”- (A Battle of Chinhut Casualty) Killed in Action 30th June 1857) with PUNJAB MEDAL, (MOOLTAN), To: JOHN STEEPLES, 32nd Foot Regt.

New Product
A Rare, INDIAN MUTINY MEDAL, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW), “AN ORIGINAL DEFENDER”-DIED OF WOUNDS 18th July 1857) (A Battle of Chinhut Wounded Casualty) To: CPL J. FORREST 32nd Foot Regt.

A Rare, INDIAN MUTINY MEDAL, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW), “AN ORIGINAL DEFENDER”-DIED OF WOUNDS 18th July 1857) (A Battle of Chinhut Wounded Casualty) To: CPL J. FORREST 32nd Foot Regt.

New Product
A Rare, INDIAN MUTINY MEDAL, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW), “AN ORIGINAL DEFENDER”-DIED OF WOUNDS 1st September 1857. (A Battle of Chinhut Wounded Casualty) To: CPL HENRY DYMOCK 32nd Foot Regt.

A Rare, INDIAN MUTINY MEDAL, (DEFENCE OF LUCKNOW), “AN ORIGINAL DEFENDER”-DIED OF WOUNDS 1st September 1857. (A Battle of Chinhut Wounded Casualty) To: CPL HENRY DYMOCK 32nd Foot Regt.

Showing page 1 of 192 (1917 items)
